Mert Arıcan

Near the end of the summer 2017, I found myself puzzled by computers ability to perform human activities. I wanted to learn more about computers to resolve the mystery, and I was lucky that I came across to an amazing course on Youtube that changed my life, namely MIT's 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming.

I was blown away by the content and programming, and I really liked the enthusiasm of instructors (also their jokes) and decided to learn more about it. I was always interested in Apple products and I found and completed a course that made me a mobile developer, Stanford's CS193P Developing Applications for iOS.

During the course I realized that I was still missing fundamental stuff, so I decided to find courses to follow and learn about the fundamentals of computer science, like algorithms, data structures and programming paradigms etc.

During the last 5 years, I have completed numerous problem sets and courses from top level universities like MIT, Stanford and Harvard not just learn about fundamentals but also to learn about popular fields like data science and artificial intelligence.

I've done my best to find and follow all the courses that computer science curriculum contains from these amazing universities. I also built dozens of personal projects both for practice and marketing purposes.

Swift is the language that I'm most comfortable working with, because I really like visualizing and showing my ideas to others by building a mobile app. Also I have experience in using C and Python.

Besides that, I'm really interested in the notion of programming languages and compiler design, and I continue to learn about these subjects.

You can visit my GitHub profile to see all the work I mentioned above:

I feel forever grateful for all the people and organizations that share high quality education for free.